ISO Policies
Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement
Revised after every 3 years

Telesom Company is the market leader in providing innovative ICT solutions in Somaliland through enriching the lives of our community by providing highest quality and affordable digital services through innovative technology and dedicated workforce.

To realize this, vision, Telesom is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment to its workers, contractors, suppliers, and any other interested parties who might be in company offices, sites or might be affected by our general business operations.

Telesom Company has implemented ISO 45001:2018 to support the strategic objectives of the business and a commitment to continual improvement of occupational health and safety management by implementing and establishing this policy.

To accomplish this commitment, Telesom Top Management shall, therefore.

  • Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Provide necessary resources to ensure adequate implementation of the key controls to eliminate 
  • Continuously review the performance of occupational health and safety management system through management reviews.
  • Utilizing balance scorecard in setting our strategic priorities and goals, reduction of accidents and occupational ill health, and legal compliance as the framework to establish our occupational health and safety objectives and continual improvement of occupational health and safety management system.
  • Fully comply with relevant statutory legal obligations and other requirements and standards on health and safety.
  • Encourage participation and consultation of employees in improvement of the occupational health and safety performance.
  • Embed health and safety requirements at every stage of engagement with suppliers, contractors, and any other interested parties.
  • Providing the necessary information and training about hazards and risks that have major health and safety impacts resulting from our processes, activities, products, and services.

This policy shall be reviewed, and if necessary revised after every 3 years or when necessary to maintain its suitability and relevance. 
We shall effectively communicate this policy with our employees at all levels, contractors, suppliers, and other interested parties to make them aware of their individual occupational health and safety management system obligations.

Related materials
Environment Management Policy Statement
Quality Management Policy Statement
Information Security Policy Statement